Global Centre for Leadership and Safety Excellence (GCLSE) is a dynamic merge of two well established Safety Leadership development entities.
In 2001 Global Training Centre co-created one of the largest multinational energy company’s safety leadership program. The co-development resulted in a singularly owned Global product widely known as Safety Excellence for Supervisors and Managers (SEFSAM). For 24 plus years since SEFSAM has been established as a “must have” safety leadership development program for all levels of management and supervision in industry types ranging from power and energy transmission to Forestry and forestry manufacturing, environmental and civil engineering, pipelines and refineries, agriculture and cannabis growers, logistics providers and light to heavy industrial manufacturers.
Workplace Excellence was created in 2010 to provide a leadership development program to SEFSAM users for Applying and Sustaining the best practice behaviours of SEFSAM and the various client programs of SEFSAM. The result was the original creation of the WITS “Workplace Intelligence Tools” which provided users the ability to measure what behaviours are and are not being utilized from SEFSAM. The resultant tool was known as the Leadership Excellence Scorecard and the provided the direct link to behaviour expectation which SEFSAM referenced but clients could not always measure.
These two independent (yet partnering) organizations experienced tremendous success around the Globe maintaining offices and operations in Africa, Europe, Asia and North America and decided to merge the two product offerings into one company in 2016. The result has been an increased ability to provide clients the alignment and training of their workforce leadership and a coaching program to ensure behaviour change is visible and measured for personal performance improvements.
Our customized approach to each client has provided an ability to ensure the change agents required are properly understood and collaborated for effective Safety Leadership developments.

Here’s where we’ve developed Safety Leadership around the globe.
Our team has worked all over the globe developing exceptional company culture through leadership and safety excellence for our valued clients.
We have fostered safety leaders in hundreds of places leaving a long-lasting impact on the organizations they are part of.