“SEFSAM is the best program I have seen at aligning commitment and creating motivation around Health, Safety and Environmental leadership. We are excited to see the results of large scale programing to our people”
“What I thought would be an exercise in learning how to get people to follow rules became a self reflective look at why so many weren’t following the rules. What caused the most concern was through this reflection I realized I was the problem. This was a smack in the face for me. The share of “we get what we tolerate” put into summary a concept I will carry with me forever moving forward.”
“we wish to thank you and your team at Global for providing world class training with exceptional people and the follow up to ensure our people were applying their new behaviours. We have successfully completed the construction and start up phase of our facility and are seeing exceptional Health and Safety results due to the amazing work performed here”.
“Working with you was a wonderful experience and the catalyst of a number of exciting challenges that I will always remember in a fond way. As you know, trying to influence and shift cultures is not something that necessarily comes easily or quickly. You have obviously found the secret to success for many of your clients around the world. Keep up the great work. You have put together an excellent team. You guys are certainly making the world a better place.
“Your team is exceptional at developing trusted relationships and providing critical feedback to our senior leaders assuring proper response and focused attention in redirecting team efforts. Many organizations have come to Malaysia from other parts of the world and failed to recognize our unique culture and attempted a one size solves all approach. Your team never tested those waters and our executive team thanks you for the robustness of the work over this past year in Malaysia and we look forward to continued successes”.
“The global group has once again delivered beyond expectations! I met resistance bringing in a North American program to an African asset but the reviews and feedback have been extraordinary regarding the course facilitation, exercises and follow up coaching. The investment is well recognized by our senior leaders and we are pleased to declare we wish similar services for our next group of safety Leadership development”.
“We began a pilot program with Global to develop strong safety leadership skills with 25 identified leaders on our operations team. We had struggled for years to gain improvements in Health and Safety performance lead by our senior leaders. After one year the results were clear in our Health and Safety numbers with drastically improved proactive and reactive measurements. What we didn’t completely anticipate was an improved business performance which was directly attributed to the Global work. What began as a one year project has ended up over 10 years long and each year we identify leaders whom require application and sustainment knowledge for superior performance”.
“ In my experience in leadership & coaching roles I can see myself using a lot of the provided information. On a personal level I will be transferring basics of this course to people I feel could use the information.“
“This entire course has been amazing. Great information delivered in an excellent, engaging way!“
“Truly outstanding program delivered by some of the most passionate and knowledgeable people within the industry. The training was beyond our high expectations. The application and sustainment work delivered results to a skeptical management team and the results have been everlasting. We cant wait to have you back for more of the same with our newly assigned leaders”.
“This entire course has been amazing. Great information delivered in an excellent, engaging way!“
“SEFSAM is the best Safety Leadership Program I have experienced in my 32 years in this business. I have seen many programs and none compares to SEFSAM. This is my 4thleadership assignment and each time I am tasked with a new team I immediately ensure my leaders are enrolled in the program to align expectations. After 15 years exposed to SEFSAM I am delighted at its continued effectiveness”.
“Global’s work with our leaders has transformed how we develop our people. What began as a pilot years ago is now one of most sought after programs for supervisor and manager enrollment as the results are seen time and time again by our senior leaders. It is no coincidence that our newly promoted leaders have been graduates of the Global SEFSAM application and sustainment programs”.
“We wish to thank you and your team at Global for providing world class training with exceptional people and the follow up to ensure our people were applying their new behaviours. We have successfully completed the construction and start up phase of our facility and are seeing exceptional Health and Safety results due to the amazing work performed here”.
“I have to admit I was skeptical of Health and Safety coaches from an external consulting firm coming into our organization with the task of improving our performance. After all, who should know our strengths and opportunities as well as us? What was proven from the outset was your team’s ability to communicate with our people meaningfully and provided observed examples of behaviour. Through this…and the acknowledgement of “what should be done versus what was done” our people made the correct choice of new and effective behaviours. We are pleased to have made the decision to test this program and are pleased to offer a larger and longer work term so many more of our people can excel their Health and Safety performance”.
“ In my experience in leadership & coaching roles I can see myself using a lot of the provided information. On a personal level I will be transferring basics of this course to people I feel could use the information.”
“I have known the SEFSAM program for many years and it is still the best program in the market place for developing safety leadership. We have been pleased to see the changes in the program design and continuation of ensuring it was updated to reflect today’s regulatory requirements and the impact on management and supervision. Well done and thank you for the amazing opportunity to learn with your team”.
“We spend a tremendous amount of time and money developing our EITs “Engineers in Training” and ensuring a successful pathway for our leaders. What previously took our organization 5 years to develop in our models was accomplished in one year with Global coaches developing our Health and Safety Leadership but also our business fundamentals”.
“Global’s Safety Leadership coaching efforts exceeded our expectations with our people. When we asked what the results were to be from this Application and Sustainment investment we were provided data indicating a 100 plus percent increase in proactive reporting and a 50 percent decrease in our Total Recordable Incident Rate “TRIR” which seemed like a big promise. One year later with over 230 people coached by 4 Global coaches we had 300 plus percent increases in proactive reporting and greater than 50 percent reduction in TRIF”.