Apply and Sustain our SEFSAM Program

After years of hearing how SEFSAM and SEF-L had changed organizational culture we would continually ask… “how did our program change your people?” Rarely was the client answer ever easily identified. We heard comments like “something seems different” and “we are seeing improvement in our people’s interactions and communication but we don’t know how or where”.
Comments like those caused us to rethink how we worked with our clients. Instead of allowing the unknown to continue we set out to build behavioural tools that ensured each participant would understand through accurate data points what behaviours were strengths and which ones were opportunities. Through our further offering of onsite coaching and mentoring for application and sustainment we were able to quickly provide meaningful behavioural change.
No two people are the same and by utilizing our Safety Excellence System we are able to map out success with each individual and ensure Health, Safety and Environmental, Leadership effectiveness.
Our application and sustainment programs are currently in use with major energy, mining, manufacturing, engineering, construction and forestry companies around the world. Our talented and experienced team is ready to use our tools to ensure your team is developed to its fullest potential.

Our new GCLSE Champions program is the result of years’ worth of research inside of our firm working to understand how participants could better understand the SEFSAM material and bring it to their people. Champions is your people bringing our SEFSAM fundamentals and Core Concepts to their people ultimately fast-tracking behavioral change which translates into improved overall safety culture.
As a business it is cost prohibitive and complicated logistically to try and penetrate multiple layers of an organization by putting everyone through our SEFSAM program; it’s just not realistic. Champions is the solution. We’ve decided to allow participants to use our GCLSE materials. Through a series of custom slide decks, exercises and facilitation notes provided to your team, you can take the learning’s from our SEFSAM program that have been reestablished through Champions, and through the support of one of our coaches, share them with your people.
We have learned that virtual delivery can work effectively, and we know that getting a group of 25-30 people together in a room can be challenging. With Champions we provide a coach that works with you for approximately one year to help your people deliver between 18-24 exercises to their team virtually (or in-person). These 10–12-minute exercises we provide paired with a coach’s instruction and guidance will allow your people to bring the material to life to the entire organization.
Champions is not SEFSAM. It is SEFSAM’s key fundamentals, and reinforcement of our GCLSE Core Concepts along with their supportive concepts; that’s the big difference. There are instructional videos in every module that our coaches use to train your people so that they can deliver to their people effectively.

If the client has decided they wish their team trained as Super Users of our SEFSAM Excellence System, then we follow Internal Steps 1-5:
1.Joint collaboration on the program goals and outcomes for success
2.Global uses either the standard design or special design of the client to match the program goals and outcomes
3.Participants are chosen and trained in SEFSAM or SEF-L
4.Identified Super Users attend an additional three day training program and are trained in the same SEFSAM Excellence System and methodology as Global coaches
5.The new Super Users commence coaching their team utilizing the SES and receive support on a short term basis of a Global coach to ensure application and sustainment effectiveness